

„DOIT – Entrepreneurial skills for young social innovators in an open digital world“ is a H2020 funded project that aims to deliver and spread a new approach for early entrepreneurship education within Europe. DOIT contributes to youth employment and to create new jobs in the social economy by nurturing in young pupils seeds for active social innovation: entrepreneurial mind-sets, knowhow and skills. The project empowers primary and secondary school pupils (6-16 years) alongside educators to apply open innovation methods, digital maker tools and collaboration skills to tackle societal problems. It will develop toolboxes for children as well facilitators, which provide complementary knowhow and support. They are designed for experiencing being a social innovator in mobile and fixed child-friendly makerspaces and are easily accessible at the interactive DOIT Web platform.

DOIT’s partners bring together well-known European makerspaces and Fablabs, which already work with children, with entrepreneurship education as well social innovation experts and networks. DOIT’s work will be conducted within three major phases: Within the first six months, the pedagogical concept and a first set-up for modules, content and training guidelines and DOIT toolboxes will be developed as open educational resources (OER, October 2017 to March 2018). From April 2018 to November 2019 iteratively large scale testing and evaluating if the DOIT modules and platform in 10 European practice regions as well in online setting follows. The DOIT results and lessons learned will be intensively transferred to European stakeholders within the roll-out phase (December 2019 to September 2020), which includes a massive open online course for DOIT’s facilitators and a conference.


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 770063.

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